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Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Did I Ask My Love to Whisper...?

Did I ask my love to whisper 
Why he loves me, loves me not, 
So his soft lips could remember 
All the kind words he forgot? 

If the sun remained in  hiding 
'hind the storm clouds every day   
Would wee oak trees keep on trying 
To reach heaven's golden rays? 

Now, I'll ask you, Dearest Darling, 
One small question: Do you know
If the dew got tired of dew-ing 
Who would kiss the sweet red rose? 

Do you think a girl can blossom 
Like a rosebush, late in in June,  
From the love that shines all brightly 
In your secret, dark cocoon ? 

I need raindrops, I need thunder, 
I need moonlight in my hair
Feel the wild storm-wind blowing, 
Drink the lusty midnight air, 

See the sunlight brightly sparkle   
As it dances on the sea, 
Feel your heart in mine, like thunder 
When you whisper, you need me. 

True compassion

(Excerpt from the upcoming book "Living in Love; Making Miracles" by L.S.) 

....It seems to me that being completely responsible is at the very heart of compassion. How else can we be an unstoppable wellspring of love, or the space in which others unspeakable beauty and perfection spontaneously occurs and shines brightly? 

And while It's nice to talk about loving Gods holy children and drawing them near, to do this on a practical level, requires choosing to to be miraculous, over and over again. Embracing another wholly, and loving them exactly as they are and as they are not. 

This is particularly true when it comes to our closest relationships. It's so easy to see how others are not behaving as they ought to, not being as wonderful as they should, evidenced by our continued lack of joy/love/happiness/fun/ intimacy/nachas/fulfillment/health/ affirmation/success in relationships/ chocolate covered Mars bars....whatever! 

And the more we want others to be different, unfortunately, the more they seem to stay the same. And as our frustration increases, so does our sense of helplessness and despair. "Why can't she just stop trying to change me? Why does she keep wanting me to be different than I am? When will she see and accept me for all my good qualities? Why do you always have to keep focusing on the negative?!!" 

This particular song goes very well as a duet, by the way, and can be amazing when it's sung in rounds. The tune is quite repetitive and has a contagious  rhythm. 

(To be continued...) 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Heaven And Hell

Heaven and Hell

It occurred to me this morning
As I trudged across the snow,
That heaven's not so far away
And Hell's a place I know.

Heaven's where I go at night
When I'm curled up and warm,
The world's asleep, it's quiet and
I climb inside a poem.

It doesn't matter who, or where
Or when the tale occurs,
What matters is that I'm transported
To a magic world.

Where who I am, and what I dream,
Flow freely, taking shape,
And come life, in color
 On a far, enchanted page.

And all the love that's in my heart,
The playful fun things too,
Become as real as how I feel
Whenever  I'm with you.

And even if I cannot stay 
Where rainbow dreams come true,
My heart still beats
When 'er I  read
About a sky so blue,
And dream of gazing in stream, 
So clear and cool and deep. 

Beneath majestic, sweeping clouds,
That crown great mountain tops,
Where two dear, Snow White turtle doves
Sing softly, of their love.

And in the emerald valley 
That rolls gently, far bellow, 
One thousand  brilliant butterflies 
Dance gently, to and fro. 

Over a sea of wildflowers, 
Decked in colored crowns, 
Reflecting sunlight's golden rays
Like jewels upon the ground.

And everything that's beautiful;
Kindness, hope and peace
Fill the world until there's 
No place  left for pride, or grief.

Here's where I can freely be 
 Just who I am, inside,
An endless spring of happiness,
A spirit soaring high!

Heaven's where my soul exists,
But Hell is where I'm living,
And I can't seem to find my way
Back to the beginning.

Back to when it was so clear
The best gifts come  from giving.
And hell turns into heaven when
We let out heart start living. 

And so I'm back to writing rhymes,
About my favorite place and time,
And dreaming of the heaven that
I find inside a rhyme. 

Heaven's In a Pen

It occurred to me this morning
As I trudged across the snow,
That heaven's not so far away
And Hell's a place I know.

Heaven's where I go at night
When I'm curled up and warm,
The world's asleep, it's quiet and
I climb inside a poem.

It doesn't matter who, or where
Or when the tale occurs,
What matters is that I'm transported
To a magic world.

Where who I am, and what I dream,
Flow freely, taking shape,
And come life, in color
 On a far, enchanted page.

And all the love that's in my heart,
The playful fun things too,
Become as real as how I feel
Whenever  I'm with you.

And even if I cannot stay 
Where rainbow dreams come true,
My heart still beats
When 'er I  read
About a sky so blue,
And dream of gazing in stream, 
So clear and cool and deep. 

Beneath majestic, sweeping clouds,
That crown great mountain tops,
Where two dear, Snow White turtle doves
Sing softly, of their love.

And in the emerald valley 
That rolls gently, far bellow, 
One thousand  brilliant butterflies 
Dance gently, to and fro. 

Over a sea of wildflowers, 
Decked in colored crowns, 
Reflecting sunlight's golden rays
Like jewels upon the ground.

And everything that's beautiful;
Kindness, hope and peace
Fill the world until there's 
No place  left for pride, or grief.

Here's where I can freely be 
 Just who I am, inside,
An endless spring of happiness,
A spirit soaring high!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

T William P.U.

T. William P.U. 

There was a young man 
Not too big, or too tall, 
Who lived in Pugkipsee  
(Not a clean town at all.) 

One  morning my  friend 
 T. William P.U.
Accidentally stepped 
In some new doggy- doo

While hopping and skipping 
On his way to school. 

He tried to swipe it 
On Mrs. B's  yard,  
But the $h!t wouldn't stick,  
(So he tried on  her car.) 
And while some got lodged
'Tween the grills and the hood,
The  chrome was still show'n
(Which was not very good.)

But, then as he walked,   
Willy spied, on the line 
A lacy white shirt 
That she'd hung out dry 

The shirt got all gooey,
Brown grass stains, and foo-ey
The poo-stuck all poo-ey
The nothing he knew-ey 

And still, on the shoe  
Of T. William P.U. 
Who thought long and hard 
About what he should do....

And after about 
A moment or two 
He frog-leaped the  fence 
And jumped into the pool

Belonging to Mrs. B's 
Neighbor, O'Tool, 
Who happened to be 
Willy's teacher, at school.

Well, the water got muddy, 
Banana fudge, runny, 
It soaked through his sox  
Which by now, were quite gummy. 

(But as He looked down 
Willy's  blue shoes were 
And the prints that they made 
Looked like -fudgy- coolaide. )

So, he tried running fastly,  
All up-down the street, 
Frontways, then sideways, 
While dragging his feet, 

But the poo on his shoe, 
Just grew and it grew,
As the sticky shoe gunk 
Started picking up junk. 

Like milk duds and marbles 
And gobs of green gum, 
Pop tops and papers, 
And chocolates with rum. 

One squirrel, two kittens, 
A bird's nest, six bees, 
Five lanterns, a kite, 
(On his way up a tree.) 

A pigeon got nabbed 
Along with two geese, 
While they pecked at a trash-pickle- 
Sandwich, with cheese. 

And as He kept running
All through that small town, 
A crowd starting forming, 
As word spread around-

"T. William P.U. 
And his magical shoes, 
Are cleaning the city" 
They said, in the news. 

"Those shoes that he's wearing, 
Have some kind of spell, 
That cleans our whole city, 
( But what IS that smell?!) " 

And as he arrived 
At the outskirts of town, 
Poor Willy was zonked
So he plunked himself  down 

But those shoes with the poo, 
Had grown past twelve feet tall, 
And each seat he sat on 
Was way way too small 

'Till at last, he did  plop
'Top a great big ',ole rock  
Took off his  shoes, 
And his gooey brown sox-

Then he picked himself up, 
On his bare, little feet, 
Walked home, got in bed, 
And fell right back asleep. 

And when woke up 
After three days and nights, 
Wee Willy was met 
With a giant surprise! 

The townspeople'd gathered;  
The mayor arrived, 
And willy was blindfold
 And taken outside 

The townsfolk all  gathered 
Yelled "open your eyes!"

For they'd built a great statue  
To honor brave Willy 
The  hero who'd cleaned up 
Their once dirty city.  

And forever and after, 
Each bird, duck and goose, 
In Pugkipskee knew just 
Where to fly when they....oop!  

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Me in You

The Me in You 

Do you know how blessed you are 
To have been adored, 
By one who's heart returns to yours  
Like the oceans, to the shore?  

And treasured, as you are, today 
And as you dream to be, 
As bright and clear and hopeful,  
As the sunrise, on the sea. 

How precious, to be honored by 
A girl, moved by your broken sighs; 
Like weathered stones, relentless time's 
Perfected with the tide.

And if you're  blessed to love someone, 
As constantly as  I 
You'll know my love endures until  
The stars burn from the sky.

And I shall then, spend starless nights,
Wishing you were here,
While in my heart I hold you close, 
And whisper in your ear:

If you know I love you, dear,
I'll know you love me too,
'Cause deep inside my inner heart 
Resides a gem called "you."

And just as waters mirror
What a man can never hide,
The heart of one who loves his friend,
Sees what's concealed, inside. 

Those truths, that travel on the wind, 
That whispered hearts confide; 
Oaths vowed, that naught in heaven, 
Nor on earth, shall them divide.

So, if you wonder whether,  
This sweet song I sing is true, 
Just look inside those deep, blue eyes...
And ask the me in you.

I guarantee, 
That you shall see, 
I love you more  
As you love me. 

Until way past eternity, 

Sent from my iPhone

Across the plain

Trees rustle,
Once again, 
Singing softly 
To the wind.

Lone bird stirs
Taking flight 
Into darkened 
Arms of night.

And I'm alone 
Still as stone 
To witness birth  
Of heaven and earth 

The  sigh, 
Of solitary  wind 
At night, 
Gently stirring 
fragile leaves, 
In love-making symphony 
Rustling trees. 

Death to life, 
Seasons change.
Birds depart 
Trees remain, 

Winter follows 
Autumn's rain 
And as my life 
Transforms, again, 
The wind blows on, 
Across the plain. 

Sent from my iPhone