T. William P.U.
There was a young man
Not too big, or too tall,
Who lived in Pugkipsee
(Not a clean town at all.)
One morning my friend
T. William P.U.
Accidentally stepped
In some new doggy- doo
While hopping and skipping
On his way to school.
He tried to swipe it
On Mrs. B's yard,
But the $h!t wouldn't stick,
(So he tried on her car.)
And while some got lodged
'Tween the grills and the hood,
The chrome was still show'n
(Which was not very good.)
But, then as he walked,
Willy spied, on the line
A lacy white shirt
That she'd hung out dry
The shirt got all gooey,
Brown grass stains, and foo-ey
The poo-stuck all poo-ey
The nothing he knew-ey
And still, on the shoe
Of T. William P.U.
Who thought long and hard
About what he should do....
And after about
A moment or two
He frog-leaped the fence
And jumped into the pool
Belonging to Mrs. B's
Neighbor, O'Tool,
Who happened to be
Willy's teacher, at school.
Well, the water got muddy,
Banana fudge, runny,
It soaked through his sox
Which by now, were quite gummy.
(But as He looked down
Willy's blue shoes were
And the prints that they made
Looked like -fudgy- coolaide. )
So, he tried running fastly,
All up-down the street,
Frontways, then sideways,
While dragging his feet,
But the poo on his shoe,
Just grew and it grew,
As the sticky shoe gunk
Started picking up junk.
Like milk duds and marbles
And gobs of green gum,
Pop tops and papers,
And chocolates with rum.
One squirrel, two kittens,
A bird's nest, six bees,
Five lanterns, a kite,
(On his way up a tree.)
A pigeon got nabbed
Along with two geese,
While they pecked at a trash-pickle-
Sandwich, with cheese.
And as He kept running
All through that small town,
A crowd starting forming,
As word spread around-
"T. William P.U.
And his magical shoes,
Are cleaning the city"
They said, in the news.
"Those shoes that he's wearing,
Have some kind of spell,
That cleans our whole city,
( But what IS that smell?!) "
And as he arrived
At the outskirts of town,
Poor Willy was zonked
So he plunked himself down
But those shoes with the poo,
Had grown past twelve feet tall,
And each seat he sat on
Was way way too small
'Till at last, he did plop
'Top a great big ',ole rock
Took off his shoes,
And his gooey brown sox-
Then he picked himself up,
On his bare, little feet,
Walked home, got in bed,
And fell right back asleep.
And when woke up
After three days and nights,
Wee Willy was met
With a giant surprise!
The townspeople'd gathered;
The mayor arrived,
And willy was blindfold
And taken outside
The townsfolk all gathered
Yelled "open your eyes!"
For they'd built a great statue
To honor brave Willy
The hero who'd cleaned up
Their once dirty city.
And forever and after,
Each bird, duck and goose,
In Pugkipskee knew just
Where to fly when they....oop!