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Sunday, October 30, 2011



You scream and cry
 And pound your fists,

The rain pours down
And melts my kiss.

 Your eyes are blurred
With loss and grief,
 With salty screaming tears,
 like thieves,

That steal your vision,
Fill your heart,
 Until there's nothing
 Left apart.

And I, like all things,
 Fade away,
 Into the dark
 That ends your day.


 " I'm here," I shout,
Over the storm,
"Can't you see me?
Take me home!"

 Thunder rumbles
 'Round your head
 Lightening strikes
And I lay dead.

 And as my spirit
 Takes last flight,
 I whisper gently,
"You were right."


And there did you stay, there, completely alone

Holding my  hand that was cold as a stone

Wondering why  being right felt so wrong.

And asking yourself Is the prize worth the cost?
And where is  your heart,

Now that nothings been lost?

And now that you've won,

Shouldn't everything  change?

As again you choke  helplessly

Drowning in  shame.

Wondering  in circles,

Around the last fight,

Trying hard to remember

Just what made you right.

And  knowing you'd traded

Compassion for pride;

Made sweet love to  your self,

 As I faded from  sight.

And the horror engulfed you

'Till you couldn't  breath,

Gasping,  desperate for meaning,

You dropped to your knees.

 Crying  out to the heavens

With  heart rending  screams,

 Over and over,

With ragged torn dreams.

Until  grief had   broken

Your head open wide,

And an ocean of  tears

Did rush  out like a  tide.

When finally   empty,

Purged of  false pride

Your eyes beheld truth

'Neath  the  desperate lies.

And your heart simply melted,

Flowing out through each eye,

And you fell to your knees

Begging stars  moon and the sky.

Groping  for reason

Far  greater than this,

You found peace in complexity,

Truth, in my kiss.

And slowly I stirred

Waking up from deep sleep,

Reaching out  to  the hand,

That was reaching for me.

I look in the eyes

As deep as  the sea

And saw, for the first time,

The man who sees  me.

You're  the one that  I've longed for

the man from my dreams

 As I draw you  inside,

And exhale. I'm  complete.

Until we melt...

The rain pours down
In sheets of glass,
The street lights blend
Into a mass

Of colored spots
In  streams of light
All rolling  down
The rain drenched night.

And pooling in a puddle of
desires,  dreams,   and hopeless love.

And every drop that hits  the street,
increases the incessant beat,
Of hearts that pound with longing for
The chance to see the stars,once more.

And every splash against my roof,
Combines with this  sad  haunting  tune,
Of souls that howl to the moon,
In anguished need, that comes too soon.

And my wet heart is all soaked through,
With missing and resisting truth.

And wishing you were here with me,
To see the street as I do see.

And share with me this special night,
Drenched with magic, rain filled light.

If you were here I'd hold you tight
Until we melt and turn to white.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Pink Stripes In Your Hair

Oh! What a strange conundrum, 
that you can't escape the box,
Of those  confusing rules of    love 
It's quite  a paradox! 

You say you want to hold me, and
To gaze into my eyes,
Yet all the words I whisper 
 In the dark, to you are  lies,

You tell yourself you'll never
Be entrapped by these  again,
And so you choose your empty box ,
A fair trade;  pain for pain

And all you want is to be loved; 
To  know how much you're  worth, 
Yet   save   your love, with frugal care, 
To give the   cold brown earth.

And cry out with indignity
" Can't someone see I'm here?"
While hiding in the lost and found 
With Pink stripes in your hair

Impatiently awaiting  all the  love
You know is there,
If only, oh, just only,
You pretend that   you don't care.

But deep inside you're wondering
Just why love runs away,
As you chase away each  butterfly,
That  shows she  might just  stay.

And tells you that she needs you,
And she's waiting for your call,
"you're choking me!" you cry aloud,
" I cannot breath at all!"

Retreating quickly to your box,
You bolt the door and turn
The locks,
Then hide your head between your knees,
Repeating over, endlessly
" It  cannot be, It cannot be.."

And scream out to eternity
"Can't someone see, and set me free?"
While from the start,  you hold the key,

And when you Find it, finally,
Buried under much debris,
You find  inscribed, in  plain gold leaf: 
" just let it be,
 just let it be."